Friday, March 13, 2009

Guess What?!

Actually, skip the guessing part.

Senfaye from A Maze of Books nominated me for the "I Love Your Blog" award! Omigosh! Thank-you so very, very much Senfaye! You don't know how much this means to me!

When I went to do my daily (okay, more then just daily) blog check to see if anyone posted a comment I found Senfaye's comment on my last post:

"By the way I am nominating you for the "I Love Your Blog" award!"

When I read that I kind of just blinked at the screen for what was probably a full minute. I have not even had a one-week anniversary and I was getting an AWARD?! How sweet is that?! Every who is reading this right now give a silent thank-you to Senfaye and go check out her blog (link above)!

Following proper procedure, here are the rules:

1. Add the logo of the award to your blog.
2. Add a link to the person/people who awarded it to you.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs to your blog.
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blog.

In no particular order:

Nominee #1: Senfaye from "A Maze of Books"! Big surprise, isn't it? She totally deserves this award for posting daily and for being so nice.

Nominee #2: Taylor from "For the Love of Books". Great reviews, contests, posts daily. . .she does it all!

Nominee #3: Deltay form "Lucid Conspiracy". She was not only the first person to post a comment (thanks!) but she also has a very cool blog that doen't only talk about books.

Nominee #4: Everyone at "Finding Wonderland". These guys have excellent reviews and this is a great blog to read when you're bored.

Nominee #5: Meg at "Meg's Diary". Okay, okay. I know Meg Cabot is a published author and all, but her blog is really, really good and just the thing to read when you're wishing for her latest book.

Nominee #6: Lisi at "Blah-g". See above.

Nominee #7: Sarah at "Sarah Dessen's Blog". See above.

Nominee #8: EVERYONE on my little "Blogs I Heart" sidebar over there. The reason your names aren't in print is because you guys have already won this award (congratulations!).

Thanks again Senfaye for the award and Happy Friday everyone!


Senfaye said...

I am so glad that the award made you so happy, that just made my day! :)

Senfaye said...

By the way Thanks!!!!

Iryna said...

Your welcome!

deltay said...

Friday the 13th!

Thanks muchly for the nomination!

Iryna said...

You are very welcome,Deltay!